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Top of the Class: The 10 Smartest Dog Breeds in the World

Juliet Aubrey Juliet Aubrey
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Top of the Class: The 10 Smartest Dog Breeds in the World

If you want an intelligent companion, get one of these popular breeds. Dogs are about as smart as the average two-year-old, but there is a range of dog intelligence across different breeds. From learning new commands to just knowing what you are thinking, these intelligent dogs will win you over with their smarts.

Here are the 10 smartest dog breeds. If only their barks could talk! If you have any of these breeds, ensure they never stop learning new tricks or going through obedience trials!

1. Border Collie

Border Collies are so smart that they need to have a job to keep them occupied. These high-energy pups make excellent herding dogs, and as family pets they are happy to help around the house. Australian Cattle Dogs and Australian Shepherds also fall into this category.
